Beauty Bridge

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Product Review: The Many Uses of Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca)

I keep Tea Tree Oil around because of it's many uses. Known as "a medicine chest in a bottle" because it's anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. I've used it to zap zits by putting a drop on a cotton swab and applying it to the pimple. I've also used it to fight both athlete's foot and toenail fungus. It's also effective against vaginal infections if you put a few drops in a douche. For household use, it's great for dissolving gum to remove labels or for cleaning in the kitchen when diluted with water and sprayed on stove and counter tops to dissolve grease.
Available at:

Monday, August 30, 2010

Product Review: Emu Oil

I have used emu oil as a general moisturizer (great to put on under your face creams). But my husband stumbled upon another use. He loves to use it on his fresh tattoo during the healing process. A freshly done tattoo is painful like a sunburn and peels like a sunburn. Therefore you don't want to put anything on it that contains alchohol because it would sting. Emu oil contains no alchohol and is very soothing to a tattoo.

It is also great for pain relief. Occasionally, my knees would start hurting and I would put a little emu oil on the sore spot and the pain would disappear. A little goes a long way, a 2 oz bottle lasts longer than you think.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Vinegar Instead of Fabric Softener

Try using vinegar in the rinse cycle instead of fabric softener. You clothes won’t smell and the vinegar helps dissolve hard water minerals so your clothes rinse out better. Try it! Tip: If you have a Downy Ball, use it so you don’t have to wait for the rinse cycle.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Are Your Cosmetics Safe?

Does it contain sodium laurel sulfate? (commonly found in shampoo). It is suspected to be toxic to the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Does it contain parabens? Methylparabens cause wrinkles and “liver” spots when exposed to UV light.
For more info